Outstanding Service Award

2024 Awardee: May Yuan from University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. May Yuan is the Ashbel Smith Professor of Geospatial Information Sciences (GIS) at the University of Texas at Dallas, and fellows of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the American Association of Geographers (AAG). Dr. Yuan’s research interest expands upon space-time representation and analytics to understand geographic dynamics. Over the years, she has developed approaches to represent and model geographic processes and events in GIS databases to support space-time query, analytics, and knowledge discovery. She currently serves as Program Director of HEGS (Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program) and HNDS (Human Networks and Data Science) programs in the NSF, where she promotes geography, spatial modeling and GIS.

2023 Awardee

Rachel Franklin from Newcastle University.

2022 Awardee

Li An from from San Diego State University.

2020 Awardee

David Wong from George Mason University.

2017 Awardee

Janet Franklin from Arizona State University.

2016 Awardees

No Awardees for this year.

2015 Awardees

Mei-Po Kwan from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Sergio Rey from Arizona State University.

2014 Awardees

Daniel Griffith from the University of Texas at Dallas, and Alan Murray from Arizona State University.

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