Emerging Scholar Award

The emerging scholar award honors early- to mid-career scholars who have made significant contributions to education and research initiatives that are congruent with the mission of AAG-SAM. The candidates must have received their Ph.D. within the last 10 years and must be a member of the AAG-SAM at the time that the person is being nominated.

2024 Awardee:Yingjie Hu from University at Buffalo

Dr. Hu is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University at Buffalo (UB). Dr. Hu lead the GeoAI Lab @ UB , research group focusing on integrating geospatial data, spatial analysis, and AI methods to understand human-environment interactions and to address some of the challenges confronting our society, such as those related to natural disasters, public health, and ecosystem conservation.

Past Awardees


Song Gao from The University of Wisconsin – Madison


Somayeh Dodge from University of California, Santa Barbara


Ran Wei from University of California, Riverside


Wenwen Li from Arizona State University


Steven Farber from University of Toronto at Scarboroughs


Yongwan Chun from The University of Texas at Dallas

Xing-Jian Liu from University of Hong Kong

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